


超声波检测(UT)利用声波来检测材料的裂纹和缺陷, 包括复合材料. Its ability to produce clearly defined images and indicate characteristics deeper than surface level make it a highly regarded 无损检测(NDT) 方法适用于石油等im体育平台app下载 & 天然气,航空航天和发电. 

当开发出任何新的复合材料时, the properties of the composite need to be carefully determined through qualification testing involving multiple specimens. Ultrasonic inspection uses electronic transducers to transmit high-frequency sound waves through the material. These sound waves bounce back signals which can reveal key characteristics of the material’s properties and indicate issues such as cracks, 夹杂物, 和其他表面缺陷. UT也可以用来测量材料的厚度,比如管道的壁厚.

有两个关键的方法 超声检测,联系方式,以及 浸没式超声检测, the latter being particularly applicable for the examination and qualification of composites. 



基于实验室的检查, IUT对于检测较小的缺陷特别有用, 从开裂到气孔. 通过浸没复合材料, 来自换能器的声音传播增强了, 提供更准确的地下不规则和缺陷报告.

IUT可以支持广泛的需求,因为它可以应用于许多领域 复合材料. IUT服务可以识别裂缝、孔隙、夹杂物和分层. It is especially useful for the oil and 气体 industry to identify incomplete penetration, 缺乏侧壁融合, 以及其它焊接强度缺陷.

im体育APP’s global testing laboratories are home to some of the world’s most cutting-edge IUT equipment. The laboratories house a bespoke combined immersion and jet probe system which has the option of using standard pulse-echo immersion techniques or through transmission. The highly versatile system can inspect 复合材料 with flat and curved surfaces as well as varying geometries. 系统的评估软件会自动记录结果, 可以很容易地将超声波反应转化为A, B, C扫描图像提供结果的横切面和平面视图.



The system carries out conventional immersion inspection utilizing an immersion manipulator with the composite located above a glass reflector plate mounted on a leveling table. This technique is ideal for thin monolithic components where sufficient signal is available to pass through the component twice. 



密度大的材料和能在很大程度上分散声音的材料, 如玻璃纤维复合材料, are more suited to the system’s ability to offer water jet through transmission inspection. 这已经成为检验此类复合材料的im体育平台app下载标准方法. It is also the most suitable technique for inspecting buoyant composites and those that have been used in components subject to water ingress, 沉浸在什么地方会造成问题. 

以前, im体育APP’s IUT specialists were asked to meet with a composite manufacturer that was producing a composite designed for a specific aerospace component for a leading aerospace manufacturer. 

The manufacturer brought a reference panel – a known defect sample with seeded defects — with them to the meeting at im体育APP’s laboratories. 在其浸没式超声波系统上提供检测面板的元件, 哪一个能立即找出所有已知的缺陷. 


im体育APP’s technique can be built into a manufacturer’s quality control test procedures 

遵循关于im体育APP如何处理项目的协作讨论, im体育APP的IUT专家团队制定并提交了一项技术, 也称为数据卡, 关于如何检查特定部件, 中间有铝蜂窝夹层的复合材料. The aerospace manufacturer was then able to build this technique into its quality control test procedure. 

工程开始前, the aerospace manufacturer also undertook an in-depth audit of im体育APP and its UKAS-accredited sites to ensure all the required checks and controls were in place, 哪一家领先的测试公司以优异的成绩通过了测试. 

该项目包括对整个面板进行超声波检查, 其中包括预固化的碳/玻璃层压板, 铝蜂窝, 薄膜发泡胶, 和诺梅克斯. Looking specifically for defects that may occur between the bonded layers within the material, 通过传动检查,采用水射流进行检测, 保证了蜂窝构件核心损伤的最佳检测方法. The project was carried out in several batches of panels which each took two days to complete. 

检查前, 每个部分都通过im体育APP视觉检查边缘分层, 表面不规则, 标志着, 皱纹, and resin residues to ensure that anything that may have inhibited the inspection or affected the results was noted in advance. 



The ultrasound responses were recorded by the system and converted into C-scan images. The system’s ability to load multiple data files also meant it was easy to compare the different batches to a reference panel with any suspect indications observed and assessed against a list of pre-defined acceptance criteria. It was agreed that any rejectable indications would be followed up with an additional A-scan pulse-echo inspection. 在完成, im体育APP then produced a detailed test report which included all the results and C-scan images.

The project’s success meant that im体育APP was asked to undertake a second project to produce and submit a technique for a different aerospace component. im体育APP目前正在为同一家制造商开发第三个项目.  



im体育APP’s IUT services can be used to inspect a wide variety of composites and different-sized and shaped components. The IUT technique enhances the evaluation of the Probability of Detection (PoD) provided by automated 超声检测 (AUT). Deliberately flawed seeded test welds are first examined by the AUT system under qualification, they are then inspected by IUT prior to physical sectioning for definitive confirmation of the size of the known flaws. The testing service is particularly relevant in identifying smaller defects and in clarifying clean areas because of the high accuracy robotics and controlled immersive testing environment. 

im体育APP’s immersion 超声检测 capabilities include turntable immersion tanks for components up to six feet in diameter and immersion tanks for plate, 酒吧, 而挤压料长可达6米.

欲了解更多有关复合材料浸入式超声波检测的信息,请点击 im体育APP.

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There is a range of test methods that can help to qualify and quantify the different properties of 复合材料, 包括热, 机械, 还有身体测试.



im体育APP的无损检测服务符合各种im体育平台app下载标准, 政府合同, 军用规格和独特的客户要求.



im体育APP has developed world-leading capabilities in IUT (浸没式超声波检测) to provide state-of-the-art testing support for the 石油 and Gas industry.



Find out about im体育APP's composite testing support in material selection and qualification, 材料测试, 疲劳测试, 制造工艺开发, 失效分析, 维修技术及培训.


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.
